As I was walking to my dorm from the cafeteria I saw two guys rush up to eachother, give high fives, push eachother...stuff like that, after all of the pushing one stops and asks,
"wait, do we have a poetry test today?"
Another occurance at the cafeteria...( on halloween)
Me and a friend were walking out just as batman, robin, and spidermand walk in. everyone started cheering for them! not that they were the only ones in costume, its just that they looked like they had fought some epic battle and were now chillin in the caf and eating stir fry.
Thank you Lord God for this day, for this moment, for this second. Please help me to use it for Your Glory and not my own.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Monday, October 30, 2006
"¡Ni siquiera da un silbido!"
Jesus, are you really with me?
My God, can this be true?
You are the God of angels.
My Lord, can I walk with you.
Christ, you are the begining
as well as the end
the God of our fathers
from captives to send.
Jesus, are you really with me?
My God, can this be true?
You are the God of angels.
My Lord, can I walk with you.
My God, can this be true?
You are the God of angels.
My Lord, can I walk with you.
Christ, you are the begining
as well as the end
the God of our fathers
from captives to send.
Jesus, are you really with me?
My God, can this be true?
You are the God of angels.
My Lord, can I walk with you.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Sunday, October 22, 2006
pirate treasure is awesome, savvy?
I am enjoying the free pirate stuff from the special viewing of pirate of the caribbean 2: dead man's chest. free temporary pirate tatoos, toys, and bandanas!its scary that they know me so well!
Friday, October 20, 2006
Just saw this for the first time....
"i told you that i'm crazy for these cupcakes, cousin!
yo wheres the movie playing? upper west side dude!
let's hit up yahoo maps to find the dopest route.
i prefer mapquest! that's a good one too.
googlemaps is the best! true that! double true! "
-lazy sunday SNL
yo wheres the movie playing? upper west side dude!
let's hit up yahoo maps to find the dopest route.
i prefer mapquest! that's a good one too.
googlemaps is the best! true that! double true! "
-lazy sunday SNL
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Tag line
Hey! Howzit going?
...and that's from the source.... which is sooo much better than that other source from that other blog that might be linked to my blog for some odd reason like we are friends or something, what the heck, this is a long tag line! I just got a flu shot in my left arm...this probably isnt going to be good! whoohoo!
and thats from the source.
...and that's from the source.... which is sooo much better than that other source from that other blog that might be linked to my blog for some odd reason like we are friends or something, what the heck, this is a long tag line! I just got a flu shot in my left arm...this probably isnt going to be good! whoohoo!
and thats from the source.
Monday, October 09, 2006
I was just about to fall asleep last night when this kinda popped into my head so I wrote it down. I thought it was cool.
Lord, forgive my human frailties, because where you have succeeded, I have failed. Give me the graces to carry on this missionary work on earth, that through the Church’s light, many will be saved.
Lord, forgive my human frailties, because where you have succeeded, I have failed. Give me the graces to carry on this missionary work on earth, that through the Church’s light, many will be saved.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
my town
Yes, Im proud of my town. ive lived here all my life and Im going to school here. One thing that has really started to bug me is how many people say how dirty the town is. I know there is pollution, I know that studies have been done on how polluted the air once was but do these people ever stop to think about the locals. the locals who, although some do not like to admit it, have grown up in this town. some peoples parent's parents grew up in this town! how would you feel if you invited someone to stay in your home and all they do is complain about how dirty it is. people complain about the water being dirty, maybe it is, people complain the smell of the mills, yeah maybe you can tell you are next to a couple steel mills but those mills were the life of the valley. thats how our valley survived and now they are dying. these people dont realize it, but when they insult the town they are insulting the very people that live here! the children of steel workers, their parents who are the children of people who helped make this valley what it is. sure, drink bottled water, buy super conditioner because our water dries your hair out, but dont you insult the town. i know its small, but it has a big heart!

Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi
Lord, make us instruments of your peace.
Where there is hatred
let us sow love;
Where there is injury,
Where there is discord,
Where there is doubt,
Where there is despair,
Where there is darkness,
Where there is sadness,
Grant that we may not so much seek
To be consoled as to console;
To be understood as to understand;
To be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen
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