Friday, July 28, 2006

12:00 News Blues

I really didnt get much sleep because Smokey, my puppy who loves to cuddle, kept jumping on my head. No...not just from the floor on my bed but from the floor onto my head. Usually I would think it was cute but at 3 in the mornin it wasnt too much for me to go.."awww" at. I still love him! My brother Michael is cool too! I think he should comment on my blog more often!


father michael said...


Peter: I read about that in a book once.

Brian: Are you sure it was a book? Was it really nothing?

Peter: Oh yeah ...

father michael said...

From Cow's blog:

Quote of the Day

Talking to Dad this evening...

Dad: Well, I finished a big article today. Three installment thing on Jesus' teachings about forgiveness. If they don't publish it, I'll hate them till the day I die.

Silverstride said...

I saw that! It made me laugh out loud in the library and I was taken to jail. Thanks alot cow and cow's dad!