Thursday, June 11, 2009

"A ship in harbor is safe -- but that is not what ships are built for."

I've decided that I worry way too much. I'm not sure why, but I do. Maybe I was born this way or maybe I've developed this trait over time....well, I don't know. All I know is that I need to do something about it.

Now, I'm not saying that people shouldn't worry about things, oh no. Being worried about things,situations, or people just means that you care or have concern for them. What I'm saying is that I can't let my worrying nature take over my life and stop me from experiencing new things or places.

If you want to see me really worry, you should see me when I'm planning for a trip, especially a trip to somewhere I've never been before. Not only do I over pack...I basically put the whole boy scout/girl scout community to shame. This isn't always a bad thing. When I'm with a group of friends or family, they can usually count on me to have something they need (advil/tums/tissues/extra water). Being the Mary Poppins of the group isn't bad. I just wish that I could get over the worrying aspect of the trip. My family knows how I am during trips, but my friends usually see me as the calm and collected person in the group...believe me, I'm really not.

I don't know..I guess all I'm really saying is that I'm going to attempt to be content with where I am or what I'm doing and I'll try not to be so nervous that I don't get a chance to appreciate what's around me.

We shall see how that goes....'til then, 'til then, I am, as I ever was and ever shall be yours, yours, yours, yours, yours.....saltpeter....pins...


Chris said...


... john...

Silverstride said...

:) I really need to watch that again. I have the DVD, but I can't find it. I'm not sure if it's in my house somewhere or if I left it at someone's house after watching sad :(

Anonymous said...

You are an amazing person..stop worrying...enjoy deserve it!!!!